Associate Professor/ Senior Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Lillehammer, Norge
Anställningstyp Full-time
Jobbposition Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Arbetsmodell On location
Sista ansökningsdag 2 mars 2025
Är du den rätta?

About the position

The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (HHS) is the largest faculty under the University of Inland Norway, and has a total of approximately 7000 students and 300 employees. Our Department of Law, Philosophy and International Studies now has a vacancy for a 100%, one-year temporary position as Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Philosophy.

The department consists of approx. 35 employees and offers bachelor's programs in law, international studies and philosophy, politics and economics, as well as a year program in international studies and philosophy. The department also offers continuing education in health law, labor law and administrative law. Our research is organized in three well-established research groups within philosophy, European and global studies, and legal development.

The Department of Philosophy consists of 13 employees and has its main workplace at Lillehammer. Please start as soon as possible.

Responsibilities and duties

  • Planning and implementation of teaching assignments in philosophy
  • Scoring of exams, supervision and feedback on work requirements
  • Student contact and study administration

The position is a temporary position with mainly teaching duties. Research and development tasks may be relevant by agreement with the manager.

Other tasks can be added to the position as needed.


Formal competence:

  • You must qualify for the position of associate professor/ senior lecturer/ senior lecturer in philosophy in accordance with the requirements stated in regulations to the Universities and University Colleges Act.
  • Good written and oral communication skills in Norwegian/Scandinavian and English.
  • Satisfactory digital skills related to student-related work and current research and development work.

Experience skills:

  • Experience with teaching, planning and assessment will be prioritized.
  • Applicants should have experience in developing courses and teaching programs.
  • Experience with varied teaching methods and digital tools in teaching is desirable.
  • An interest in research and development in the field is desirable.

Pedagogical competence:
Documented practical pedagogical education and experience from teaching and supervision at university and university college level, cf. Regulations to the Universities and University Colleges Act. Applicants who are unable to document pedagogical competence at the time of appointment are obliged to complete the university college's course in higher education pedagogy or equivalent within two years of appointment.

Personal qualities:

  • Has an interest in and skills in teaching and research.
  • Has great work capacity and works efficiently.
  • Is present for students and colleagues and contributes to a good collaborative climate.

For more information about the formal qualification requirements, see forskrift til universitets- og høyskoleloven and HINN's specification of the pedagogical competence requirements and form of documentation for appointment and promotion in teaching and research positions. The assessment of which candidate is best qualified is based on an overall assessment of education, experience and personal suitability and other qualification requirements as formulated in the advertisement, in addition to motivation for the position.

The position and associated tasks must be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for government employees, including the Act on Control of Exports of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology, etc. Candidates who, after assessment of the application and attachments, conflict with the criteria in the latter act, will not be able to take up the position at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Necessary approvals must be maintained throughout the employment relationship.

We offer

  • an exciting and challenging job at a developing university
  • salary in position code 1011 associate professor/ 1198 senior lecturer/ 1009 senior lecturer in accordance with the Norwegian National Salary Regulations.
  • Membership in Statens pensjonskasse, including good pension and insurance schemes.

For more information about INN as an employer, see here.

. Video:

Applying for the position

Application and CV are registered electronically via "apply for the position".

The application must include:

  • application letter
  • complete CV with an overview of education, work experience, teaching experience, administrative experience, acquisition work, coordination experience and other qualifying activities
  • confirmed copies of diplomas and certificates
  • documentation of pedagogical qualifications in a systematic, overall presentation, including an overview of formal pedagogical education, pedagogical practice including supervisory experience. In addition to any experience with study quality development, development of teaching programs, curricula, etc.
  • In addition, up to one page of reflection on the applicant's educational philosophy and own educational development is desired
  • Publication list and up to 5 works are attached as attachments for assessment

For your application to be considered, the documents must be attached as electronic attachments to the application. Current applications will be evaluated by an expert committee.

Candidates will be invited for an interview and testing of practical pedagogical skills.

If you have any questions about uploading attachments or other technical issues related to the application, please contact Jobbnorge customer service.

Information about you may be published even if you have requested not to be included on the applicant list. If the request is not granted, you will be notified of this.

Diversity and affirmative action

INN believes that inclusion and diversity are a strength. We want employees with different skills, professional combinations, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to even better task performance. We will make arrangements for employees who need it. Examples of adaptations include technical aids, adapting furniture or changing routines, work tasks and working hours.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, gaps in their CV or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant in each of these groups to an interview. In order to be considered as an applicant in these groups, i.e. positively treated in this way, applicants must meet certain requirements. You can read more at the employer portal.

We encourage applicants to check in the job applicant portal if they have a disability, gaps in their CV or an immigrant background. The checkboxes in the jobseeker portal form the basis for anonymized statistics that all government agencies report in their annual reports.