At the TV School, Faculty of Film, TV and Games (FTVS), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HINN), there is a vacancy for a PhD fellow in artistic development work in editing for documentary genres. It is desirable, but not required, that the applicant has experience with editing and montage in series format. We encourage editors and/or filmmakers with experience from the editing room to apply.
The workplace for the position is at the FTVS/TV school in Lillehammer. Other workplaces can be agreed for shorter or longer periods in connection with project work, international exchange, etc.
The position is for a fixed-term period of three years. A fourth year of other career-enhancing work may be added. In that case, this year will account for 25% of working hours and be linked to teaching, supervision and dissemination at the faculty's three schools, the TV School in Lillehammer, the Game School in Hamar and the Norwegian Film School in Lillehammer and Oslo.
As a research fellow, you will be affiliated with one or more of the faculty's research groups. You are expected to take an active part in these and it is desirable that you find approaches in your artistic development work that can involve bachelor students.
The position requires admission to the doctoral program currently being established in collaboration between FTVS at HINN, Østfold University College and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The final plan for the artistic PhD project must be approved and agreed within three months of taking up the position.
Documentary film as a genre has undergone significant development in recent decades. New forms and structures have been adopted when reality-based audiovisual material forms the basis for the final result, whether in series format or as individual films. With modern technological tools, new opportunities for formal experimentation and visual style are constantly opening up. In the editing room, the raw material is shaped and managed until the film finds its final expression.
The artistic documentary tests and expands the boundaries of the genre and is strong with audiences in cinemas, television, streaming and festivals. In the national and international commercial markets, the series format is now dominant. Streaming has changed how we consume documentary films. From a creative perspective, the series format invites complex dramaturgical models. Possible questions we ask ourselves are: What happens to reality-based stories when they are told serially and how does it affect our creative process? In the age of binging, how do we retain the documentary viewer hour after hour and how do we plan for this? What are the possibilities and limitations of practicing filmmaking?
The scholarship holder must qualify for admission to the university college's PhD program in artistic research.
For admission to the doctoral program, the applicant must normally have a five-year master's degree in the relevant subject area. For admission to an artistic PhD, the master's degree must be artistic and practice-based. The university college may, after special assessment, approve other equivalent education as a basis for admission, including equivalent artistic competence. An average grade of B or better is required for applicants with education from master's programs with letter grades.
If you have an education from abroad, you must contact HK-dir for approval of the education:
Special qualification requirements or wishes related to the specific position.
We encourage editors and/or filmmakers with experience from the editing room to apply. It is desirable that the applicant has an interest in and experience with the series format. A background from working with stand-alone documentaries or fiction is also relevant for immersion and artistic research in the field. This can be done through own artistic research, as well as research into the field, its aesthetics, ethics and dramaturgy.
Furthermore, it is important that the applicant:
Which candidate is best qualified will be an overall assessment of education, experience and personal suitability, as well as motivation and other qualification requirements as formulated in the ad text. In addition, the following will be emphasized: quality of the project description, documented independent research and development work or practice relevant to the project.
Applicants who already have a PhD will not be considered for the position. Applicants who are students in an artistic master's program at the time of the application deadline will not be considered.
The position and associated tasks must be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for government employees, including the Act on the Control of Exports of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology, etc. Candidates who, after assessment of the application and attachments, conflict with the criteria in the latter act, will not be able to take up the position at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Necessary approvals must be maintained throughout the employment relationship."
The application should include:
Attachments must be uploaded as separate files. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all attachments are uploaded. Documents submitted after the application deadline will not be considered.
Form requirements for the project outline:
The project outline must be a maximum of 6 pages, including any reference list. The page format for the project outline must be A4 with 2 cm margins, 11-point font (Arial, Calibri and Times New Roman) and single line spacing. For any reference list and figure text, font size 9 may be used.
The project outline can be written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. The quality of the project outline is an important factor in determining whether applicants are invited to an interview.
Formal requirements for documentation of artistic and development work:
Documentation may provide information about and show excerpts from up to five (5) artistic or development projects of relevance to the application. The documentation material should document artistic breadth and quality through excerpts, with particular emphasis on examples that relate to the area of the proposed doctoral project. The total duration should not exceed 120 minutes. The documentation material must be collected in one PDF file as an attachment to the application, possibly with a link to where audiovisual material can be experienced online, e.g. YouTube and Vimeo. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that links remain available during the period when the application is being evaluated. Remember to enter a password if the online documentation is password-protected.
If the attachments exceed 30 MB in total, they must be compressed before uploading.
For more information about the position, please contact:
Membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, including good pension and insurance schemes.
For more information about HINN as an employer, see here.
HINN believes that inclusion and diversity are a strength. We want employees with different skills, professional combinations, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to even better problem solving. We will make arrangements for employees who need it. Examples of such adaptations include technical aids, adapting furniture or changing routines, work tasks and working hours.
If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, gaps in their CVs or an immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant in each of these groups to an interview. In order to be considered as an applicant in these groups, i.e. positively treated in this way, applicants must meet certain requirements. You can read more on the employer portal.
We encourage applicants to check the box in the job portal if they have a disability, gaps in their CV or an immigrant background. The checkboxes in the job applicant portal form the basis for anonymized statistics that all government agencies report in their annual reports.
Information about you may be published even if you have requested not to be included on the applicant list. If your request is not granted, you will be notified of this.