Doctoral student in flow theory in the field of hydropower
Luleå, Sweden
Type of Employment Full-time
Job position Doctoral student
Work model On location
Application due date 10 August 2024
Are you the one?
Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.9 billion per year. We currently have 1,840 employees and 17,670 students. In the coming years, multi-billion sums will be invested in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in large projects aimed at a more sustainable society nationally as well as globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these highly topical research projects and the societal transformation that follows. We have a wide range of training to match the skills that are in demand. We hope you will help us build the sustainable companies and communities of the future. Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in the world and accounts for approximately 17% of electricity production in the world. Hydropower is facing new technical challenges with increased introduction of intermittent renewable energy sources, refurbishment of aging machinery, adaptation to climate change and new regulations. The department for fluid and experimental mechanics now offers a doctoral position in the subject of fluid theory with application to water turbines. The position is part of a larger European project with participants from France, Germany, Switzerland and Romania. Subject description Flow science includes flow in porous materials, multiphase flow and rheology linked to industrial manufacturing methods, flow optimization and flow design for energy engineering applications and magnetohydrodynamics. Project description Part of the project aims to develop a new technique to mitigate harmful pressure pulsations found in water turbines under certain operating conditions. Both numerical and experimental investigations will be carried out at different scales. The selected candidate will be part of the team responsible for the numerical design and experimental investigation of the new technology where pressure, stress and velocity measurements will be performed. You will focus on simulations. The project involves measurements where longer visits abroad are planned. Some teaching and subject-related responsibilities may be included. Job duties A doctoral position involves both theoretical and practical work. As a doctoral student, you are trained in scientific work in the form of publishing scientific articles in journals and at national and international conferences. You also study compulsory and voluntary doctoral courses. In addition, you can have the opportunity to try out the teaching role. As a researcher, you work as a neutral party in many contexts, which provides a fantastic opportunity to learn how to run challenging development projects. Qualifications We are looking for you who have a civil engineering, master's degree or equivalent in technical physics, space technology, mechanical engineering, energy technology or a related subject, preferably with courses at advanced level in flow science. As an applicant, you should have good spoken and written English. Experience with numerical methods such as CFD and/or experimental work in fluid mechanics is advantageous. See also; General study plan for postgraduate education in flow theory Information Employment as a doctoral student is time-limited to 4 years, teaching and other department duties can add up to 20% of full-time. Place of employment Luleå. Access by agreement. For questions regarding the project, please contact Professor Michel Cervantes, 0920-49 30 14, For questions about the Department of Fluid Theory and Experimental Mechanics, contact Professor Staffan Lundström, 0920-49 23 92, Union representative: SACO-S Kjell Johansson, 0920–491529 OFR-S Lars Frisk, 0920–491792 Application We prefer that you apply for the position via the application button below, where you attach a personal letter as well as a CV/curriculum vitae and copies of verified diplomas. Please mark your application with the reference number below. Both the application and degree certificate must be written in Swedish or English. Application deadline: 10 August 2024 Reference number: 2236–2024