The Instrument & Control Discipline Engineering Manager provides technical guidance and leadership to all Ett personnel within their assigned discipline(s). The DEM will provide standard work processes, procedures, guides and drawings for the Ett program of works within their disciplines. The DEM will conduct audits of critical works to ensure the designs are complete, compliant with applicable codes and standards, Ett guidelines, of adequate quality to support downstream functions, and to eliminate wasteful overdesign. The DEM will stay up to speed on current technologies within their discipline and will provide technical training and workshops for their assigned personnel.
The Discipline Engineering Manager is responsible for:
- Development and implementation of all procedures, standards and guides associated with the disciplines under their purview
- Identifying all applicable codes and standards to be followed within their disciplines and ensuring same are incorporated into all Ett designs
- Hiring of new personnel within their discipline
- Assignment of discipline personnel to projects based on staffing plans developed by the projects
- Annual performance reviews of all personnel within their disciplines
- Conducting audits of critical deliverables to ensure appropriate quality and completeness
- Maintaining a discipline staffing plan for the Ett program of works within their discipline, including start and finish dates
- Oversee discipline training and development plans
- Coach and mentor discipline personnel
- Review of project baselines and execution plans, including estimated quantities, cost and schedule
- Technical bid evaluations for respective disciplines/scopes of work
- Acceptance of conceptual, basic and detailed designs executed internally or by third party
- Development of lessons learned within respective disciplines
- Attending weekly Engineering staff meetings
- Other duties as assigned by the Engineering Director
The DEM has the following authorities:
- Approval of discipline design guides and standards
- Determination of codes to be followed for their discipline
- Enforcement of adherence to Ett process and procedures, and applicable codes and standards
The DEM is accountable to the Engineering Director for:
- Compliance to company processes and procedures
- Timely identification of resource needs
- Timely completion of assigned audits and follow up to ensure corrective actions have been implemented
- Other tasks as assigned by the Engineering Director