Open Application - Dentist at Folktandvården
Norrbotten, Sweden
Type of Employment Full-time
Job position Open Application - Dentist at Folktandvården
Work model On location
Application due date ASAP
Are you the one?

Folktandvården works for a healthy dental situation at all ages and has clinics in all the county's municipalities. Our values ​​"health, care and service" permeate our daily work.

We are looking for

  • You who are a licensed dentist or dental hygienist with a Swedish license issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.

  • You who are a trained dental nurse or dental technician.

  • We are also looking for you who are students and who will graduate soon.

  • We attach great importance to personal qualities and as a person you are self-motivated, service-oriented and flexible.

You get to work with this

With us, you are an important part of the team where we work together for the patient's best interests. Dental care is provided throughout the county and includes specialist dental care within all odontological specialties. This means great opportunities for further development throughout your professional career. Through our different experiences and roles, we develop and learn from each other - this creates job satisfaction. Folktandvården Academy is our tailor-made program for your skills development. Here you can find a variety of dental courses and educations for all professional categories. We regularly offer up-to-date and inspiring courses specially developed for the needs of the business.

This is what we offer you

  • Development and career opportunities where you get to be part of creating the health and care of the future

  • Health-promoting workplaces with access to wellness activities and wellness grants

  • Employment and development - Region Norrbotten

  • The introductory program "HOS oss" for all new employees in Folktandvården

  • Structured supervision based on the respective professional category

Information about the role

We continuously review applications to match our needs based on your skills profile and wishes. Remember to attach documents that prove the educational requirements for the various professional categories as well as your CV. If you are a student, you need to attach a study certificate. Your data is saved for 6 months and must then be updated to remain with us.

Do you have a foreign education?

This link contains information for those who apply with an education from a country other than Sweden.

Region Norrbotten applies individual wage setting according to collective agreements.

Welcome with your application!