Family life at the edge of the world 

While Kiruna is a city of extremes in many ways, we offer the opposite to the families that call this arctic city home - a life in balance. Here you can enjoy incredible career opportunities, while also enjoying time with the ones you love most. 

With little to no commuting time, families can literally take back hours of their life to enjoy the unmatched beauty of the Swedish arctic with their families. In Kiruna, we promise you exciting careers and opportunity to immerse yourself in epic outdoor adventures and cultural experiences after the workday ends. 

Welcome to a life of balance in the city of extremes! 

Unmatched parental benefits

In Sweden, parents get access to one of the most generous parental leave systems in the world. Parents in Sweden get a combined 480 paid days off with each child, to be split between the parents as they choose. 

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And if your child gets sick or requires care from either parent, you are entitled to 120 paid days off a year to do so through the VAB system ("vård av barn" in Swedish, meaning care for children). You can apply for this from the day your child is 8 months old until he or she turns 12. 

Living in Sweden also entitles you to child support each month, and additional support if you have two or more children. Here you can read more about the benefits available for parents or soon-to-be parents in Sweden. 

Days off with the ones that matter the most

All employees in Sweden are entitled to a minimum of 25 paid vacation days per year, ensuring that you can enjoy days off with the ones you love most. Enjoy the midnight sun in the summer, hike the mountainous trails of Abisko, fish in one of the 6,000 lakes in the region surrounding Kiruna, or ski under the northern lights. Whatever you love to do with your family, Kiruna promises you the time to actually do it.