By Kaunis Iron

Our vision sets a challenge. We say that we will develop the world's most sustainable iron ore. This requires that we continually ensure that the decisions we make weigh in on the three aspects of sustainability: social sustainability; ecological sustainability; and economic sustainability.

– In the media, the debate often reduces sustainability to solely the environmental perspective, we feel therefore that it is important to emphasise the overall approach to the concept of sustainability. To take responsibility for working proactively to develop sustainability thinking in everything we do that impacts our company, business in our region, nature and the local community, says Åsa Allan, Deputy CEO.


Kaunis Iron has a big influence on local communities in the Pajala area. Our company is an important employer and an important customer, buying local goods and services worth millions every year. Naturally, that creates demands ang puts us under pressure to make responsible decision.

We want to be a driving force for the entire local business community and continually reinvest where we can when buying goods and services. Estimates show that Kaunis Iron annually reinvests approximately 182 mSEK locally and 317 mSEK regionally.

Our close cooperation with Luleå University of Technology also contributes to both strengthened research and a developed skills supply for companies in our sector.

Since the beginning, we have had a good working relationship with Samhall, a local labour market resource which provides important social support in Pajala. We have also been involved in developing meeting places and opportunities, for example Folkets Hus community centre in Kaunisvaara and Tornedalen Pride, and we are pleased to engage in projects focusing on children and young people. Put simply, the wellbeing of the local community is important to us.

– In 2021, we received confirmation that we have a fantastic local support - no less than 95% of Pajala’s inhabitants consider the mine to have a positive impact on the community. However, trust is a perishable commodity, so looking ahead, our focus is to continue giving back to the local community and being a trusted employer,” says Åsa Allan, Deputy CEO.



95% believe that the mine has a positive impact on the community.

98% of Pajala’s population aged 18 to 34 feel positive towards the mine.

81% of Pajala’s population aged 18 to 34 would consider working in the mine 

About the employer
We dare to say that we are different. We are the mine of the new generation with a focus on every aspect of sustainability – environment, community, and the individual. We have an engaged team of people who share our values. A team without baggage who together are blazing their own trails and writing their own story.
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