Find your dream job in Älvsbyn! 

Älvsbyn is home to approximately 800 active companies that contribute to a varied labor market with exciting career opportunities in many different industries. 

Some of our most notable employers are Polarbröd, one of Sweden's largest bread suppliers and Älvsbyhus, Sweden's largest house manufacturer. 

Alvsbyn_careers3.jpegVidsel Test Range, which carries out verification and validation of military systems in Europe's largest test area over land, and Arctic Falls, which is Sweden's first permanent test track for automobile tests in winter and Sweden’s largest provider tire testing, also call Älvsbyn their home. 


Live in Älvsbyn – and work in our neighboring municipalities 

Älvsbyn is part of the Luleå region, northern Sweden's largest labor market and housing area. The relatively short distances and incredible public transportation options, enable our citizens to work in one of our three neighboring municipalities. 

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Buses and trains stops are located centrally in Älvsbyn, and by car it takes approximately 45 minutes to both Piteå and Luleå, and 30 minutes to Boden. 

Explore all the careers available in Älvsbyn and its neighboring municipalities here and here