A million reasons why

There are millions of reasons to move to Älvsbyn, and each new resident has a reason of his or her own. However, we have summarized our favorite ones to help you take the leap!

Finding your new home

Once you have decided to make the move, the next step is to start looking for your new home. Luckily, Älvsbyn offers a wide range of housing options, from small apartments in the city center, to grand estates on the countryside. Learn more about your local relators that can help you with this part of your journey, or check our rental options available now. If you're interested in buying land and building the home of your dreams, learn more about the different areas where you can start bringing your dream to life!

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We're here to help, every step of the way

Älvsbyn offers relocation support to anyone considering moving to the municipality. This personal service is free to all and offers guidance on all topics important to you life here, including information on schools, public services, job opportunities, and healthcare. 

National relocation information

To make your move to Sweden as smooth as possible, learn more about starting your new life in one of the happiest places on earth, including a guide to moving to Sweden, information on working in Sweden, how to apply for Swedish citizenship, and how to start your journey here.